Four Corners Animal Hospital
1520 Sunrise Plaza Dr., Clermont FL 34714
Four Corners Animal Hospital serves the southwest Disney Area, South Lake County, North Polk County, East Osceola County and southwest Orange County. Our patients are mainly small animals especially dogs and cats. Learn more about our core services below.
Outpatient Services:
Monday-Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am – 12:00 noon
Call: 352-242-1950

Veterinary Services
At Four Corners we perform a complete physical exam on all patients presented for vaccinations. Patients must be healthy in order for the vaccines to create an immune response to fight off disease. We examine the heart and lungs; eyes, ears, nose and throat; skin; reproductive organs; muscles and skeleton; teeth; abdomen; and lymph nodes.
Prevention of disease and early treatment is essential for optimal veterinary care. This ultimately saves time, expense, and reduces unnecessary patient suffering. Because pets age faster than humans, it is more important for them to have their annual physical and dental examinations. Fecal test for internal parasites, heartworm blood testing and prevention, flea and tick control, and vaccinations are all essential components of preventive medicine.
Bringing a pet in for surgery is a major decision and causes great worry for the family or any pet owner. We want to help you make the right choices and be informed about what is best for you and your pet. For the protection of patients in the clinic as well as your pet, vaccinations should be current on the date of admission. Please read all of the information provided.
Most pets over the age of 3 years that have had no previous dental care will have some degree of tarter build up and will need to have their teeth cleaned. Routine dental exams and cleaning should be done at least every two years after this. Keeping our pet’s teeth clean and healthy is just as important as keeping our own mouth clean and healthy.
We are fully equipped with an x-ray machine and automatic film processor. This provides high quality radiographs to aid in the quick diagnosis of many medical disorders. Most patients require sedation in order to have their radiographs taken. Consequently, these patients may have to stay with us for a few hours to recover from the sedative. This equipment allows us to obtain excellent OFA radiographs.
At Four Corners all boarding pets are housed in separate rooms away from hospitalized patients. Hospitalized patients have their own wards and intensive care unit. The HVAC system is designed to be completely independent and separated so that the air does not mix or carry air born germs from one area to another.
Contact Us
1520 Sunrise Plaza Dr., Clermont FL 34714
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